increasing security to stop a troubled teen
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increasing security to stop a troubled teen

Do you have a troubled teen in your home? Are you looking for ways to monitor your teen's activity while you are away or sleeping? I was having serious issues with my teenage son sneaking out at night. It was not until my neighbor told me that he saw my son sneaking out late at night that I knew that he was doing it. The following week, I had a few features added to my home security system that has helped me keep my son in check. To find out what I have done to ensure that I am alerted of my son's attempts to sneak out, visit my website.

increasing security to stop a troubled teen

4 Benefits Of A Mobile Access Control System

Maria Watkins

With a traditional access control system, you use a card or a code to access a building. With a mobile access control system, you can use a smartphone, tablet, or wearable smart device to provide your credentials and gain access to a building. If you are getting ready to upgrade your building's access control system, it may be time to switch to a mobile system.

Benefit #1: Reduced Cost  

With a mobile access control system, you no longer have to print out key cards for each employee or replace a key card when they get lost. It may not seem like a big deal, but getting rid of keycards can help eliminate material expenses and reduce the time required to maintain your system. With a mobile access control system, the user just has to verify their credentials via their mobile phone or device that they already have.

Benefit #2: Reduced Contact

The fewer touchpoints in your building, the better. A user can connect via Wi-Fi to the control box with a mobile access control system and verify their credentials using an app. Or you can have an app that generates a barcode that the control box scans and reads. Either way, the people entering your building don't have to swipe their cards or enter in a keypad that numerous other people are touching. This reduced contact limits the chances of spreading germs and diseases through the use of the access control system.

Benefit #3: Easy to Use

It can be easy to forget a keycard, especially if you only need it to enter your work building. Most people, however, keep their mobile phones close to them, making your access control system more convenient and easier to use.

Benefit #4: Increased Security

With key cards, as they have limited use to your employees, they are easy to forget about and use. If you have used a key card system for a while, you probably are familiar with how often keycards get misplaced and have to be deactivated. Each time a keycard gets misplaced, that puts your building's security temporarily at risk until the employee realizes that their card is missing and reports it as such. The system manager is able to deactivate the card.

Additionally, it can be easy for someone to purposely or accidentally swap key cards with another employee, providing you with inaccurate activity logs. Someone is far less likely to swap their phone with someone, and even then, each employee will have their own sign-in for the app, allowing you to enjoy increasingly accurate activity logs.

With a mobile-controlled system, your security is increased. Your employee will have to sign in to the app, and most of the apps require two-factor authentication, and then the phone has to be transmitted to the control reader located at the door. People are far less likely to misplace a valuable smartphone than a keycard, and even if they do, someone would have to know how to sign in to the app and get through the two-factor authentication to gain access to your building.

If you want to take your security system to the next level, switch to a mobile verification system when you upgrade your access control system. A mobile verification system will reduce operating costs and minimize physical contact with the reader. It will also improve security and be easy for everyone to use. To learn more, contact a company that offers options like Brivo access control systems
