increasing security to stop a troubled teen
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increasing security to stop a troubled teen

Do you have a troubled teen in your home? Are you looking for ways to monitor your teen's activity while you are away or sleeping? I was having serious issues with my teenage son sneaking out at night. It was not until my neighbor told me that he saw my son sneaking out late at night that I knew that he was doing it. The following week, I had a few features added to my home security system that has helped me keep my son in check. To find out what I have done to ensure that I am alerted of my son's attempts to sneak out, visit my website.

increasing security to stop a troubled teen

4 Digital Security Tips For Your Small Business

Maria Watkins

If you own a small business, you should add digital security to your other security measures. While you have likely gotten the best padlock for your doors and added an alarm system, you shouldn't forget about digital security. Digital security includes all computers and networks, Internet connections, and even the mobile devices used for business purposes. Here are some tips for improving your digital security.

Pay Attention to Social Networks

You might not pay much attention to social networks used for your business, and this is a big mistake. The first thing you should do is check the privacy settings of your social networks. Make sure you are fully aware of who has access to them, including who has the ability to post things on your public social networks. Also make sure your personal and business social networking accounts are separate, as you will likely make your business profiles public while your personal pages should be kept private. Additionally, remove the option that lets you post your current location. This can be a safety concern.

Spring Clean Your Digital Files

Take some time going through all files, folders, and media on your computer. Any computer or device used for business should get this spring cleaning treatment. Start by looking through the recycle bin and removing anything in there that hasn't been permanently deleted yet. Go through all folders on your computer and look through the files. Back up your data, then remove any files you don't currently have a use for. You might run across programs or files that you never downloaded, so those should be removed as well. They could have a virus attached to them if you don't recognize them. Also remember to run a malware program on a regular basis to locate infected files, folders or programs on your computer.

Protect Your Internet Connection

If your Internet connection isn't protected, don't delay in doing so. Spyware and viruses often occur through your Internet connection. Make sure you have proper firewall security for your connection, which prevents others from getting data through your network. Be sure it is always enabled and remove access to the firewall from your employees. This prevents them from accidentally disabling it. If your business uses a wireless Internet connection, be sure it is secure and encrypted. It should not be accessible by anyone without the password.

Monitor Mobile Devices

If any employees use their own mobile devices for business purposes, monitor their usage. Make sure they only download and install trusted applications and that the only wireless Internet they use is secure and encrypted. Preferably, only let them use mobile devices that are closely monitored by your IT and security team. This prevents them from becoming a victim of data theft. When employees use a personal phone or tablet computer, inform them that your IT team will need to be sure it is protected and get their permission to do so.

For more information, contact a digital security company such as Prilock.
